
Utilize COVID-19 Circuit Breaker Period Wisely

stay home covid19 singapore

Make the best out of this COVID-19 “circuit breaker” period, see it as the last chance to change your future now (or your actions will have negative domino effect in life later). Get ready to create the business and life you have always dreamt of. It has been said that people probably grow more from 1 week of crisis than from 5 years of life smooth sailing life.

Remember a number of weeks back when life was normal? Those days are over… for presentlyEach day the news keeps getting more awful. And it’s planning to keep getting worse for the following a few weeks and conceivably for the next a few months.

It doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict that the worldwide economy is sliding, and when change happens, society ought to grow & adapt.

I understand it’s hard to think about growing and adapting when your paralyzed with worries. You may want to be concerned about your financial security. You could be concerned about your health. You should be concerned about your family and their security and their health. You could be stressed over a great deal of things at this moment.

I’m no longer going to strive to discuss you out of your fears. They’re all valid concerns. But you want to stay by the old way, “when the going gets tough… the hard gets going”. You have to build up the correct mentality to assume responsibility for your destiny and actually grow in the time of crisis. Since regardless of how terrible things get, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel. This too shall pass because it generally does.

But the question is… will you let your life’s destiny be up to chance? In another person’s control? Or will you assume responsibility for your life direction yourself?