
ChatGPT review of PURTIER Placenta

ChatGPT review of PURTIER Placenta

purtier placenta review ai

I tried ChatGPT for the first time and here’s the result of a 500 words review of PURTIER Placenta.

PURTIER Placenta: Unveiling the Fountain of Youth

Introduction: In the quest for eternal youth and beauty, countless products have flooded the market. Among them, PURTIER Placenta has emerged as a prominent contender, boasting transformative claims and a loyal following. In this review, we will delve into the efficacy and potential benefits of this intriguing product.

PURTIER Placenta: A Unique Approach to Rejuvenation: PURTIER Placenta stands out due to its distinctive formulation, which harnesses the power of deer placenta. Placenta has long been revered for its regenerative properties, and PURTIER has capitalized on this by developing a proprietary extraction process to ensure the utmost potency and bioavailability of its placenta extract.

Unveiling the Key Benefits:

  1. Cellular Regeneration: The key allure of PURTIER Placenta lies in its ability to stimulate cellular regeneration. The potent blend of growth factors, amino acids, and bioactive compounds found in deer placenta is believed to promote the growth of new cells, leading to rejuvenated skin, improved hair quality, and enhanced vitality.
  2. Anti-Aging Properties: With age, our bodies naturally experience a decline in collagen production, resulting in visible signs of aging. PURTIER Placenta aims to address this by delivering a rich source of collagen-building proteins to the body. Regular consumption of PURTIER Placenta may help improve skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and restore a youthful radiance.
  3. Immune System Support: In addition to its beauty-enhancing properties, PURTIER Placenta is claimed to bolster the immune system. The high concentration of bioactive compounds in deer placenta is said to strengthen the body’s natural defense mechanisms, providing a potential boost to overall health and well-being.
  4. Enhanced Energy and Vitality: PURTIER Placenta enthusiasts often report increased energy levels and a sense of vitality after regular use. The combination of essential nutrients, growth factors, and amino acids found in the product may contribute to improved stamina and a heightened sense of well-being.

Safety and Usage: As with any supplement, it is crucial to exercise caution and consult a healthcare professional before incorporating PURTIER Placenta into your routine. While deer placenta has a long history of traditional use, individual reactions may vary. Pregnant or lactating women, as well as those with known allergies or medical conditions, should exercise extra prudence.

User Testimonials: Numerous users have reported positive experiences with PURTIER Placenta. Many have noticed significant improvements in their skin texture, increased energy levels, and overall rejuvenation. However, it is important to approach testimonials with a critical mindset, as individual results may vary.

Conclusion: PURTIER Placenta offers a unique and intriguing approach to rejuvenation, harnessing the power of deer placenta to potentially promote cellular regeneration, improve skin health, and boost overall vitality. While the anecdotal evidence and loyal user base are promising, it is essential to remember that results may differ between individuals. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional and consider personal circumstances before incorporating PURTIER Placenta into your beauty and wellness routine.

The above is the review done within a minute, I can’t imagine how the world will be like for copywriters, designers and artists etc. in future. Good night, World!


Can you really make money becoming a Riway distributor in Singapore?

Purtier Placenta is still a wonderful health supplement product despite being in the market for almost 15 years.

But, can distributors still make any real money today?

Will talk about this soon.


PURTIER Placenta Health Supplement Scams

purtier placenta price scam

A man in Singapore has been sentenced to jail for cheating victims of more than S$70,000 by claiming to sell health supplements and smartphones.

Link to original article on Channel NewsAsia:

Sylvester See Sheng Sen, 29, was jailed 14 months on 21st March this year after pleading guilty to nine charges of cheating.

Sylvester See Sheng Sen purtier riway scammer
Sylvester See Sheng Sen

Court heard that See deceived four of his victims that he was selling Purtier Placenta health supplement, a luxury health product exclusively distributed by Singaporean company, Riway International. Products could be bought using cash or commission (points) paid out as part of Riway’s membership plan (Riway Network Programme).

At some point in September 2020, See contacted the first victim and proposed to sell Purtier to him. See told the victim that he cooperated with a senior member of Riway’s programme who could provide 40 sets of Purtier products at a discounted price of S$30,000.

The victim was keen, and urged to pay half of the price in S$15,000 cash and the other half in 15,000 Riway points.

See made an arrangement with a third person who agreed to receive 15,000 Riway points in exchange for S$13,500, which was the amount in cash after the deduction of the administrative fee of 10%.

On Sep 21, 2020, the victim paid for the 40 sets of Purtier products by transferring S$15,000 to See’s bank account and 15,000 points to the third person’s Riway account. The victim was told the products would arrive in four days at the latest, but he never got them.

See instead used the S$15,000 from the victim and S$13,500 he received from the third person for his personal expenses, debts and gambling.

He repeated this with three more victims, contacting them and offering to sell each of them five sets of Purtier Placenta (worth S$3,688 per package) for S$3,500 in December 2020 and May 2021.

See also had a previous conviction. He was fined S$8,000 for stealing S$12,000 worth of valuables from his then father-in-law in 2019.

“I do not know whether you took the fine lightly,” said Judge Lee, “but the offences you have committed this time round are serious, and they are many”.

We all want the best deal at the best price definitely but these high priced health supplements have become tools for scammers to leverage on these days despite itself being an effective cellular premium supplement.

Although clinical applications of stem cell therapy are still at a very early stage of science. At this point, it may seem like a dream rather than reality. It would be a leap to perform such therapies orally, moreover, heavily discounted promotional prices?


RIWAY International 2022

RIWAY International Review

Let’s check out what’s actually going on behind this company Riway Group. Riway International is known as pioneer in oral live stem cell therapy and one of Asia’s Most Promising Companies in the Direct Selling Industry. They have been researching about regenerative medicine for almost 12 years to concocting only one product today and becoming one of the key player in the niche market of Stem Cells.

Its star product PURTIER Placenta results have generated strong word-of-mouth and gained trust amongst consumers worldwide.

We found that distributors mainly share and promote its two core products PURTIER Placenta & CONSCIENTIOUS Beauty Series through our interviews with more than 20 representatives and distributors from Riway International.

riway international hq building

Riway International Independent Distributors have got their distribution network and support from Riway with over 11 years of experience marketing their flagship products.

Occasionally, Riway members get special promotions like 1-for-1, cashback, rebate and discount reward system. The launch of 6th edition Purtier Placenta has proven the company’s mission to continually seek out the finest product in the world. Distributors understand the importance of maintaining high quality and good value in the provision of health products to the society.

Riway International Group Purtier Placenta

Today, Riway International has impacted more than 1,000,000 people’s lives, regaining back their health and lifestyles beyond expectation. This could not be achieved without their live cell therapy product – PURTIER Placenta. Providing a safe and effective health solution.

RIWAY – Showing You The Right Way, Building A Wonderful Life

Riway International’s emphasis has always been on balance, and we need to constantly work hard towards the main goals in our lives: financial wealth, physical health, positive social outlook, abundant knowledge, positive mental outlook and a happy and harmonious family. All these factors are indispensable and only with all factors present, then it is considered to be a true success.

RIWAY 6 Values

Economic Goals

A platform to generate wealth, strive for financial riches, and achieve financial freedom.

Healthy Lifestyle

Regain a healthy body, inject positive energy, and maintain a healthy and active living.

Social Skills

A platform where you can expand your social circle, lead a healthy lifestyle and make a positive impact on the lives of your friends.

Family Values

Help more families seek happiness and to build a warm and caring family.

Guiding Thoughts

Encourage the right type of thinking, upgrading and fortifying knowledge in order to attain a higher level of thinking.

Spiritual Growth

Inculcate humility, integrity, righteousness and positivism to become an upright distributor.


Realize Your Dreams

The beauty of direct selling lies in the implementation of a win-win system that binds the interests of the company and the distributors together in glory and defeat. The heart warming direct selling culture and the organizational strength of a big family give everyone the opportunity to create a wealthy and wonderful life. Since direct selling is a platform that allows you to set up a business easily, why do some still fail?

In the past, many have given up on direct selling. The cause of their downfall often lies in the company that chose and not in them. The company’s business philosophy, ability of its management and mindset of its leaders can all result in one not succeeding in direct selling. Associating yourself with an unsuitable direct selling company, having to move yourself from one company to another only to see your efforts end in failure, would you still believe in direct selling?

Therefore, choosing wisely is more important that hard work. Work hard but work smart. Choosing the right direct selling company is your first step towards success.

Only the right direct selling company can allow you to enjoy the benefits of direct selling, ensure that your efforts are not in vain, and help you become our successful business partner.


More Exciting Years And Glorious Days Ahead

Providing you with the best entrepreneurial platform;
Promoting the corporate values of integrity, righteousness and positivism;
Giving you a healthy and wealthy life.

Riway International is also currently one of the most outstanding and “famous” direct sales company in Singapore.

A star in the direct selling industry,
Riway has created many legendary results since its birth.
As an advocate of live cell therapy research,
we relentlessly pursue continuous improvement in excellence and innovation while upholding the promise of quality.
Sparking a new trend with the use of PURTIER Placenta for reverse-ageing,

Looking ahead, Riway International will continue to play an active role in the international community as we dedicate all our resources to expanding and refining our position in Asia and the rest of the world.

Access the official site of Riway International at for other info.
(warning, there are also fake websites for Riway International Group operated by other organization leaders – very misleading.)


PURTIER Placenta Review 2022

PURTIER Placenta Review 2022

purtier placenta review 2022

Original review article here. ↞ Click link

When it comes to building a business, there isn’t a perfect way to begin because it all hinges on how you want your business to operate, the kind of products or services offered and the ideology you wish to devote to, simply, your system shapes around your business.


From the beginning since its creation (of PURTIER) in 2008, one of the approaches that RIWAY has initiated is to be a product-based company. Health has continually been a big area of interest for most people, so as long as there are concerns about factors that could potentially affect our health, the following desire to maintain our health will be that priority.

What is Purtier Placenta?

Purtier Placenta is a live stem cell therapy that contains deer placenta extract and other 11 unique and natural ingredients. Each capsule encapsulates deer placenta live cells and other youthful ingredients to protect, repair and rejuvenate the body’s tissues and organs to keep a person ‘young’. It is the best Health Supplement for Reverse the Aging process and Healthy Living in today’s world.

Recognized as a comprehensive, effective and superior health food supplement through in-depth research and development. It is also marveled to be capable of tackling the issues of people by delivering them with the ultimate healthcare.

Live Cell Therapy is the only completely safe procedure whose effectiveness has also been proven when it comes to slowing down the aging process. This is the functionality of PURTIER. Its organic formulation contains carefully-picked fresh deer placenta ingredients that are filled with active living cells and essential nutrients. Premium thoroughbred deer placenta to boost cellular regeneration.

review purtier placenta injection

PURTIER is known as the “Rolls Royce of nutritional supplements” – the Elixir of Youth. Being among the least polluted regions of the globe, New Zealand rightly fits the bill as the production host for PURTIER. Scientific research has proven the efficacy of components in fresh deer placenta in strengthening the body’s immunity. This, in turn, enhances longevity and quality of life since cells, tissues, and organs are empowered to keep the body in its finest health status.

In addition to over 12 essential natural elements found in fresh deer placenta, the other reason why it’s chosen as the core active ingredient in PURTIER Placenta is its bio-compatibility with the human body.

The placenta is a temporary organ attached to the wall of the uterus during pregnancy. It provides oxygen and nutrients vital for fetal development and produces growth hormones that allow the fetus to develop.

The consumption of Placenta and its benefits have been widely documented across both culture and time. Used as a fundamental form of cellular therapy, Placenta is known to contain rich growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals and other nourishing nutrients with the ability to assist cell rejuvenation and renewal.

In China, placenta is often prescribed as a Traditional Chinese Medicine remedy for mothers to recover their strength after going through the arduous process of labour. In other countries such as Italy and India, placenta is used to boost lactation and heal wounds respectively.

Treatments involving animals placenta have begun gaining popularity in the East – injured athletes, celebrities, politicians, entrepreneurs and many others who undergo deer placenta therapy reported much quicker recovery than their doctors’ prediction. This further cements the reputation of placenta therapy which possess superior rejuvenating and healing abilities.


PURTIER Placenta Price in Singapore

PURTIER Placenta Price in Singapore

purtier placenta price usd

We have heard it countless times, “Health is Wealth” and there is nothing truer than it. Without good health, one is unable to enjoy the luxuries of life. The pandemic has made us all realize the significance of owning it.

The money that you spend on ensuring your wellness is an investment in you, for you and your family.

purtier price singapore

So, what is the price of a bottle of PURTIER Placenta?

The distribution company — Riway International has set the price of a bottle (60 capsules) at S$568 which is approximately 420 USD. This “stem cell” product is commonly sold in a therapy or a set at 7 bottles S$3688.

** There is an update with the price with effect from 1st March 2023 **

Despite its price, PURTIER has been a success with more than 10 million bottles sold. The new PURTIER Placenta 6th Edition has managed to position itself among the most comprehensive luxury health supplements created to provide holistic nutritional support for cells, tissues and organs.

queue up to purchase purtier

Riway company also offers promotions for their products from time to time, some stockists will aim to buy during these times and then sell later on to profit at higher price.

Stem cell products are probably the best choice right now for complete health and wellness. Still, there are different prices in different countries due to exchange rate and promotion (even FAKES). Consumers have reported health issues after using unauthenticated PURTIER products sold online such as Amazon, eBay, Shopee and Lazada.

purtier placenta fake original
One of the unofficial PURTIER skincare products found online

Yes, a good product speaks for itself and who doesn’t want the best deal and get the most out of their money in today’s economy. We recommend you to find a reliable distributor (who can provide you with good service and perhaps, extra freebies!) in your area to help you.

cheap purtier placenta price

Also, over the years as PURTIER Placenta has built a strong footing in the Asian market, it has steadily come to win the hearts of people from all over the world, garnering testimonies of varying degrees, proving that it is indeed a product that can meet your healthcare needs.

Lastly, you may consider joining as a member of Riway company for a fulfilling career but not anymore as the prices of its products have been greatly affected.


PURTIER Placenta Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is PURTIER Placenta?

A: PURTIER Placenta is a form of oral live cell therapy that contains deer placenta live stem cells. It also capsulizes diverse youthful ingredients to preserve, restore and revitalize the body’s tissues and organs to keep a person blooming.

Q: Who should use PURTIER Placenta?

A: Not everyone needs to take health supplements. Consuming a variety of healthy foods can help you to get all of the nutrients you need but PURTIER can be useful for filling in gaps in your diet, especially if your body is ailing.

Q: How PURTIER Placenta actually works?

A: PURTIER Placenta possesses live cells that sought to enlivening the body’s natural healing ability, using the theory that live cells are essential in “awakening” sleeping cells within human body and creating new synapses and connective tissue. It is a kind of non-toxic, health supplement, which supports the care of the entire organism.

Q: How is the placenta acquired in PURTIER?

A: Distributors cite that no deers in New Zealand are harmed during the process of obtaining the fresh placenta after the mother deers give birth to their fawns. Cutting edge freeze-drying technology is then applied to retain (3 – 4 years) the biologically active ingredients in peak condition.

Q: Why is PURTIER Placenta so expensive?

A: PURTIER Placenta is obtained from fresh deer placenta in New Zealand which contains vigorous and the most energetic live cells. These are the cells that rejuvenate the deteriorated and fatigued cells and tissues in our body. Besides, cheap placenta pills are usually in powdered form, heated or processed and have none of the live cells left. For that reason, they lack the same effect in contrast to PURTIER.

Q: How to consume PURTIER Placenta?

A: It’s suggested by doctors to consume 4 capsules daily for the first 30 days at any time and then 2 capsules daily for 5 months. However, it differs according to every individual body’s needs. One may increase or decrease dosage as preferred.

Q: What are the side effects of PURTIER Placenta?

A: There are no known side effects reported till date.

PURTIER Placenta is an all-natural (food grade) supplement, formulated with Deer Placenta Extract, Marine Collagen Peptides, Apple Polyphenol, Fucoidan Extract, White Strawberries Extract — NucleiClavem™, Dendrobium, Evening Primrose Oil, Squalene, Avocado Oil, Borage Oil, Lycopene and Aloe Vera Extract.

It is said to be tested free of hormones, fillers, binders, preservatives or other artificial chemicals.

Q: When can you see results?

A: 6 months or less would be an appropriate period to notice results, however the results on individual vary. Some testimonials shared positive effects after using it within 2-4 weeks. Placebo effect?

Experience the True Power of Stem Cells


Deer Placenta PURTIER Sixth Edition in 2022

Deer Placenta PURTIER Sixth Edition in 2022


purtier placenta 2022In 2008, the 1st Edition of PURTIER Placenta was launched in the market with an unprecedented force and brought hopes to consumers’ concerns with their health. In 2009, PURTIER Placenta was refined for the 1st time with the addition of 2 all new ingredients, and the upgrade has turned it into the health product yearned for by so many more.

Pursuing perfection and seeking breakthrough even at the top is the style of the company, RIWAY International. PURTIER Placenta 3rd and 4th editions were launched after countless researches and very strict selections in 2010 and 2012 respectively. These 2 editions of the product have achieved to be more suitable for all groups of consumers due to stricter and higher requirements on its ingredients based on latest research findings.

When others believe that RIWAY has already achieved the very best, but in fact, they strive to do better, and that is the attitude of the number 1 network marketing company in Singapore. With the transformation of technology, RIWAY starts to break many past limitations in their researches. The 5th edition of PURTIER Placenta was launched in 2015. Apart from newly added ingredients, the concentration of the product essence was further raised to allow a single capsule to possess the most comprehensive ingredients. In 2018, the launch of PURTIER Placenta 6th edition shocked everyone and completely changed the perception of one’s impression towards health supplements with multiple research patents and a further upgrade in its ingredients, concentration and technology.


RIWAY International Branch Offices in 2022

riway international purtier placenta offices
RIWAY International’s Malaysia Headquarter HQ office

RIWAY ventured into the Malaysian market from Singapore within the first year of its establishment, and in order to firm the foundation, RIWAY management, leaders and distributors had been travelling between Singapore and Malaysia in the beginning for 2 to 3 years, as they believed that before venturing into more regions, one must first strengthen its foundation in Singapore and Malaysia.

Similarly, if one wishes to break through a thick stone wall, he must strike the same place repeatedly; the foundation laid in the 2 to 3 years in Singapore and Malaysia not only nurtured countless exemplary leaders 14 years later, but also if the foundations were not firmed in the first few years then there will not be such a towering RIWAY building today.

“Following” and “Duplicating” are the key elements to RIWAY’s fast growth; work hard in cultivating a field and one will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest. RIWAY duplicated its success in Singapore and Malaysia to even more regions and spread its unique cultural spirit even further to benefit more people with its opportunity and health & wellness products.

In total, it already has 49 branches world wide including the up and coming European office in this 2022.


Something Good must be Happening

Just passed my birthday this March, turned 33 now. I have made plenty of mistakes these years, so many mistakes.. but some GOOD things are happening to me these days ever since I got rid of those negative thoughts of recounting my bad bad mistakes.

They always say, where you are at right now could be somebody else’s dream. I learn to appreciate that saying and see things more “open” as Chinese always say.. you are born into this world ‘naked’ and when you leave someday, so will you be. Especially Money!

purtier placenta 2022 promotion price

I have been receiving some enquiries about the work I do and products I distribute or sell lately through another review page talking about PURTIER Placenta (stem cell therapy?) and practices of its distributors.

It’s a health product, it is wonderful but erm.. quite expensive?

Honestly, after distributing these products for almost 10 years now, I felt some people are lucky and made it in this business while most struggled. Maybe it’s simply that statistic is true? Or people are generally negative, lazy and full of excuses?

I’m not a saint and sometimes I do fall in between the positives and negatives. Do I truly enjoy what I do? Yes. Can I make everybody who trust me successful? Not really..

The best thing I can do right now is providing the best value for their money with the product and give them my time if they do hope for a Big change in their lives. I hope 2022 can create new habits and directions for me to help the people around me until then.. ciao!