
Start a Home-Based Business in Singapore

Gary Ng Riway Business OpportunityThe Chinese word for crisis is made by combining two characters: crisis and opportunity. By observing life, the ancient Chinese wise men realized that the true nature of A Crisis Is an Opportunity in Disguise. This is similar to the Western concept of “When God closes a door, He opens a Window”.

Singapore has since reported its 6th death from the coronavirus, an 88-year-old man who had a history of heart and kidney disease, cancer and diabetes. Deaths from the virus have shown how pre-existing illnesses and conditions could complicate things like losing your job, personal security and freedom.

As a result, COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced people’s awareness of life & health in this 2020. The outbreak has also stimulated the demand for high quality health products, services and (business) opportunities.

Even if you love your career and your life, you are not safe from future personal crisis. In this new economy, even the most talented people are being forced to redesign and re-engineer their futures. Many people have been or will be displaced from their job due to technology and artificial intelligence.

The people who will be happiest and most successful are the ones that realize they need a contingency plan aka Plan B – they tap into their inner entrepreneur designing the life and business they love… pursuing the economic certainty and freedom they and their family deserve.

At any moment, the decision you make can change the course of your life forever.” – Anthony Robbins, Personal Mastery teacher

Let me showcase our success proven international home-based business which started off from Singapore.

Just drop me a WhatsApp message (if you like to get to know) and I’ll talk to you soon.


What’s your Ikigai?

What’s that one reason which is making you feel alive? The one that brings you fulfillment, happiness and giving you greater purpose to live. Ikigai. That’s a life direction Japanese found.

This personal blog of mine is set up to journalize my life story mainly on my character, career, love, health and family. I finally decided to do it. I heard blog is dead, but anyways.. there are benefactors I wish to thank for being part in my business and life journey whom I am deeply grateful for. To have let me realize my ‘Ikigai’ to a certain extent.

How about you? Have you found your true Ikigai yet? What is it?

ikigai riway gary ng

Still unsure of what you want? Let’s discover it together. Don’t give up searching because only you can change that, especially if you are still looking for meaning and fulfillment in what you do daily.

Albert Einstein encourages us to pursue our curiosities. He once said:

Today may be April Fools’ Day, but don’t wait till your life turns into a comedy. It’s time to make a change, catch you up on my next blog.