
Become a Riway Purtier Placenta Distributor

Please be VERY careful of fraudulent and potentially dangerous health supplements on the internet.

Warning! Recently, it has come to our attention that some of the unauthorized resellers on the internet are claiming to sell our high quality health product PURTIER Placenta at attractive low prices.

Genuine Latest PURTIER is a luxury health food supplement, so do not rush and be fooled into believing you are getting a good deal because we can’t guarantee its authenticity and effectiveness. PLEASE BEWARE.

We are an Independent Distributing company for PURTIER Placenta in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan and Thailand. We are looking forward to the expansion of many more Southeast Asian countries. The latest news is the opening of RIWAY Europe the coming year in 2022!

*All Purchases must come with Official Receipt! Free Personal Delivery of authentic PURTIER Placenta to your doorstep in Singapore by Jayden Ng. Yes, we are users of PURTIER Placenta too.

Fake PURTIER Alert


Purtier 5th Edition Promotion

Purtier fifth Edition Promotion

Yes, this is an extremely unbelievable sight of our Purtier PROMOTION!Purtier Testimonial Singapore Purtier Testimonial SG Purtier Testimonial Gary

People who took PURTIER will share their experience on the stage, example diabetes, stroke, high blood/cholesterol, eczema etc.

PURTIER Placenta



After weeks of cellular therapy with our latest edition of PURTIER oral stem cell therapy program, your body will begin to experience remarkable benefits and noticeable healing transformation.

  • Improves complexion and lightens facial pigmentation.
  • Reduces the visible signs of aging and helps smoothen away wrinkles.
  • Looking more youthful, radiant with finer skin.
  • Stabilizes your weight at normal level.
  • Flexibility in joints and discs.
  • Natural pain relief for muscles and joints.
  • Improves mental awareness and sleeping patterns.
  • Enhances stamina and energy level boost.
  • Vigor and vitality increase.
  • Experience renewed sexual satisfaction and performance.
  • Regeneration of aging cells, tissues and organs.
  • Increases immunity resistance and system to guard against diseases.
  • Improves overall wellness from inside out and delay age related problems.

Age without getting old…

Eternal health and youthfulness can help us live life to our fullest by active living, staying happy and making the most of our precious time.

Scientists now agree that we could be living to around 120 “great years” if we achieved our maximum potential lifespans. So, what is the real ‘reason’ that is stopping us from realizing it?

PURTIER for stressful people

The fact is due to the stressful lifestyle of modern living and numerous contributing factors to the generation of free radicals, even the happiest and healthiest person on earth can fall short of the Century mark.

Excessive levels of the free radicals from our environment can cause damage to our body cells and tissues, which leads to our bodies to age prematurely. Singapore may have the fourth-best life expectancy rate in the world according to World Health Organization (WHO) report.

WE ARE WHAT WE eat. The old saying still holds true today for busy people trying to find balance in their overworked, over-stressed lives. Many of us have little time to manage meals, energy levels, and a lifestyle path toward whole health.

Currently, the average lifespan of men and women are about 80 and 85 years respectively only in developed countries.

PURTIER Singapore Health

Most of us have witnessed how our loved ones around suffered from diseases, often plagued with illness, aches, weariness and overall deterioration.

To counter the debilitating effects of aging and diseases, we need to have a greater understanding of the aging process and know how our body can be nourished and nurtured to age healthily. Therefore, the sooner we begin to encompass these secrets, we can learn to live longer and better.


Delay Aging And Extend Life Span

Everyone wants eternal youth, vigor and good health. However, as one ages and our growing decelerates, our body cells die faster than they grow, so does the production of new cells growth and signs of aging becomes inevitable – it’s how we grow from child to adult.

Until scientists find a way to make us immortal, aging and death will be inescapable facts of life.

Therefore, the introduction of cellular therapy and its cell growth factors into the body can rejuvenate deteriorating cells and tissues to restore youth and vitality.

PURTIER Deer Placenta RegenerationRecent discovery of stem cells has provided a complete new approach to repair the human body, restore youthful looks and regain health. Our cells divide throughout our lives. There is growing evidence that stem cells could be used to cure many age-related diseases and delay aging, therefore, many scientists are excited about its potential impact on regenerative medicine and researchers have begun to find the best treatment.


Placenta Therapy

The placenta is a temporary organ attached to the wall of the uterus during pregnancy. It provides oxygen and nutrients vital for fetal development and produces growth hormones that allow the body to be formed, developed and born.

This is the 21st century, while we still can’t perform miracles of health and beauty, an “elixir” that will aid both health and beauty is just now coming into the limelight. That elixir is believed to be the “Placenta Extract”, therefore, placenta nutrition has demonstrated a variety of medicinal effects.

PURTIER Cord BloodConsumption of placenta and its benefits have been widely documented across both culture and time. It increases natural healing through hormonal regulation, nervous regulation, and immune-regulation, as it gives the body resistance against disease.

Stem cells are extracted from the placenta, which is generally discarded after childbirth, have shown promise as a treatment for many lifestyle diseases. It is surprising to learn that the placenta stem cells have been confirmed by medical researchers to remove free radicals, strengthen the body’s guard and accelerate its ability to recover and boost our system.

Placenta Therapy PURTIER
Featured in The New Paper Singapore.

Used as a fundamental form of cellular therapy, Placenta has been known to contain rich growth factors, antibodies, minerals, vitamins and other nourishing nutrients with the ability to assist cell rejuvenation and renewal.

Placenta has often being prescribed as remedy to help mothers to swiftly recover their strength and vitality after giving birth. In other cultures, such as the Italians use Placenta to boost lactation while Indians have been documented to use Placenta for wound healing.

Recently, treatments involving Placenta Stem Cell have begun gaining popularity in the West because of its various growth abilities, the people who use this exclusive treatment include injured football stars, international athletes, who undergo Placenta Therapy have reported to achieve quicker recovery than their doctors predicted.

In the earlier days of the world, Stem Cell Therapy was the secret of longevity with the rich and famous. Today, advances in medical science have made this same goodness enjoyed by all. This further cements that reputation of Placenta Therapy as safe and effective process in rejuvenation and healing abilities.

Live Cell Therapy

PURTIER Live Cell Therapy

It is easy to understand why the rate of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and stroke has increased so rapidly in recent decades when you consider that some of the most common foods consumed by Singaporeans are processed with added solid fats, sugars, starches, and sodium. It makes sense that we will have poor health if we eat foods with poor nutritional value.

Looking to trim down on hefty medical expenses, our consumers have begun to focus more on prevention than treatment. With our Unique Nutritional Formula that effectively slows down the aging process of the body and the increasingly growing awareness of personal health and well-being, it has sparked off the reverse ageing trend and healthy living into old age in Singapore and Malaysia.


PURTIER Placenta introduces Live Stem Cell Therapy from fresh deer placenta extract, Antioxidants and other nutritional ingredients to improve cell regeneration since 2008 and we are looking forward to more this 2015!

Known to be effective and can improve almost all diseases other than cancer, including hepatitis, liver and kidney disorders, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Currently, we are the Pioneer Specialist on Oral Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Industry for 15 years, concocting only a product, our results have generated strong word-of-mouth and gained trust among our consumers worldwide.


Placenta is rich in nutrients and stem cells, their placental growth factors are processes which promote cell activation, and therefore stimulate cells and promote cell division.

This causes the metabolism to increase as old cells are gradually replaced with new ones. Consequently, the optimum bodily functions and luxuriantly beautiful skin are regained and its effect is felt across the whole body.

PURTIER Placenta Stem Cells

Doctors who practice cell therapy believe that it can act like an organ transplant, makes our old and worn out cells to become “younger”, revitalizes our body, extends life and delay aging. You can see why stem cell therapy is now viewed by many as an alternative treatment which will revolutionize modern medicine.


Reverse the Aging Process Now.

PURTIER Placenta is in its fourth edition, formulated with deer placenta live stem cells extract that is known for its miracle ability to help protect, repair and reverse the aging process. We are aimed at helping you to achieve healthy and beauty from within and benefit from the active nutritional ingredients of natural food sources which means there are no concerns about side effects, giving you peace of mind.

PURTIER Placenta is especially effective for disorders of the nervous system, allergies, lifestyle diseases etc., which are often neglected by western medicine. It is also surprisingly effective for skin problems such as blemishes, wrinkles, and acne.

Usage of PURTIER Placenta has absolutely NO side effects, unlike drugs as it does not contain toxic chemical and is completely safe. Clinically tested even by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) in Singapore, it’s an all natural nutrition therapy. The advanced technology with its latest improvement of Live Stem Cell Therapy Programme, it is the only process proven to be safe and effective in Reversing the Aging Process.


Completely developed and manufactured in New Zealand by top clinics and laboratories, PURTIER Placenta is the final result of more than 15 years of intensive scientific research and is an unparalleled placenta cellular rejuvenating supplement.

PURTIER Placenta or better known as the “Rolls Royce of Nutritional Supplements” is the finest reverse-aging formula and comprehensive health supplement that can be taken alone for maintenance of healthy body.

Specifically sourced from the cleanest country in the world, New Zealand rather than Europe and other parts of the world where outbreaks of diseases such as mad cow disease and other infections disease in these years which can cause serious health problems.

PURTIER Reverse Aging FormulaAdvancement Of Technology – Improved with the latest Enteric Coated Capsule


PURTIER was manufactured under stringent quality control from authorities to ensure PURTIER Placenta is effective and safe for consumption.

The processes involved in the manufacturing of PURTIER Placenta, include Freeze Drying Technology, Nitrogen-Filled Technology, Enteric Coated Technology and Emulsification Technology, to ensure maximum potential of the active ingredients to be absorbed quickly and effectively into the human body to support renewal system.


Freeze Drying Technology

PURTIER Technology Freeze Dry

With freeze drying technology, the live cells can be preserved and remain bio-active for 3 to 4 years. PURTIER Placenta uses only extracts from fresh healthy deer placenta and preserves it with the latest freeze drying technology, therefore, bio-activity level is at its maximum to have the optimum benefit for you.

Nitrogen Filled Technology

PURTIER Technology Capsule

Nitrogen-filled technology is integrated to prevent the decomposition of the placenta live cells and other nutrients as it ensures zero oxygen during the encapsulation process. With the presence of oxygen, the placenta live cells and all the other nutrients will deteriorate. In simple terms, just think about cutting an apple open and leaving it exposed. Within minutes, you will see it turn brown.

Therefore, unlike other brands which do not use nitrogen-filled technology, PURTIER ensures the freshness and quality of it’s living cells and other nutrients to provide you with the greatest effectiveness to the body.


Enteric-Coated Technology

PURTIER Technology Enteric Coat

The advanced enteric-coated technology protects placenta live cells and other nutrients which remain biologically active without damaging it’s effectiveness. PURTIER capsules can withstand damages from the gastric juices and increases the absorption of placenta live cells by 3-4 times compared to normal ones that do not have this technology.

Healthy cells then travel to the targeted organs and and impart their miraculous force onto damaged and worn out cells. Therefore, it allows our consumers to enjoy the full benefits of PURTIER and it is worth every cent of their money.

Emulsification Technology (Nano-Technology)

PURTIER Technology Nanotech

Emulsification Technology, often known as Nano Technology, allows larger molecules to be absorbed by the bile chylomicron pathway therefore maximizing absorption and receiving nutrition at its best.


PURTIER Placenta High Technology Overview

PURTIER Technology

PURTIER Exhibition Pack

The advanced capsule technology and encapsulation process preserve vital cell growth factors extracted from the placenta live cells. Allowing consumers to truly enjoy the benefits of the product – to repair and rejuvenate aging cells and damaged tissues, regain youth and vitality, and restoring good health.

Purtier Deer Placenta Ingredients Benefits

PURTIER Placenta consists of 9 Precious Natural Ingredients:

PURTIER Ingredients and Benefit

Manufactured in New Zealand.

Deer Placenta Extract (20:1) 200 mg
Lycopene Oil 50 mg
Xanthone 5 mg
Marine Collagen 100 mg
Aloe Vera (200:1) 10 mg
Squalene 100 mg
Avocado Oil 100 mg
Borage Oil 100 mg
Evening Primrose Oil 200 mg

Deer Placenta – Premier source of Placenta

PURTIER Deer Placenta

The deer is considered to be a “higher order” animal, and its Deer Placenta has been found to be more bio-compatible with humans, contains rich source of nutrients and growth factors, hence it is more effective in its renewal functions and is known to provoke no allergic reactions.

Deer placenta is able to transfer their vibrant life force into old, degenerating body cells, stimulating them aging stem cells to heal, replenish and recover quickly, function with restored efficiency and youthful vitality.

*Deers are not harmed or killed in the process of procurement.

Comparing to sheep placenta, research findings have found that deer placenta extract is more suitable and compatible for humans use and also known to provoke no allergic reaction. Therefore, it has been accepted as the premier source of placenta over the recent years, nourishing and completely safe to consume.


Deer placenta contains natural Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 also known as IGF-1, this growth factor complex drive cell growth and regeneration, an unique type of protein that may aid the growth of tissues, promotes health of organs and healthy blood sugar level which is especially helpful for diabetes.

Currently, deer placenta has been globally accepted as the premier source of placenta. Live cells from deer placenta may aid in improving diabetes, osteoporosis and many other metabolic diseases as well as chronic diseases. Improve the overall health of any individual as live cell therapy using fresh deer placenta can rejuvenate and replace your old and worn-out cells in your body with younger activating cells.


Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera contains more than 200 nutrients, vitamins and minerals, as well as beta carotene, enzymes and amino acids. It helps to detoxify and alkalizes your body and generally improves the immune system in your body.

Nutritionally and medicinally, its extract is naturally an effective ingredient, useful in treatment of wound, burn healing and skin infection as well as for beautifying effects and retains the health of our digestive system.



Xanthones is proven and tested to be effective in combating cancer and atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. This powerful chemical compound can also prevent the risk of developing stroke, thrombosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and heart attack.

Have been shown to beneficial effects on some cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease, hypertension and blood clots. Known to have strong cancer-fighting components, help prevent cardiovascular diseases, and perfect for detoxification and good for the skin.




Squalene reduces various aches and pains and helps the body organs such as the kidneys, liver and gallbladder to function properly. It also helps the digestive system function properly by reducing gastroptosis conditions, helping to shrink hemorrhoids and curbing obesity. It acts as a relaxant, giving added vigor and vitality without the hyperactivity associated with other food supplements.

Helps to keep your heart, brain and eyes healthy. Squalene assists in improving appearance of skin and hair, reducing joint and swelling problems related to arthritis. Increase oxygen uptake capacity, stamina, endurance and aids in inflammation associated with gout.

Overall, it helps prevent various kinds of diseases and speeds up the healing process in most conditions of ill health.


Borage Oil


The oil of Borage is used as dietary source for gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and, in fact, has been found to provide a more concentrated source of GLA than the more generally used evening primrose oil.

A recent study shows that borage oil can prevent damage to the our nerves, lower the chances of developing hypertension and, as a dietary supplement, has brought about a reduction in high blood pressure within a period of seven weeks. Often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, chest congestion, cough, depression, menopausal symptoms and eczema in herbal medicines.


Marine Collagen


Marine Collagen can make the body function more effectively. Collagen production is vital to healthy skin, hair, bones and joints. Marine Collagen is taken from fish and is thought to have less environmental contaminants than the collagen taken from cattle or pigs.

Known to encourage skin renewal and minimizes muscles contractions. Scientists have proven that marine collagen reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles and fine lines. Increases skin elasticity and repair hair, nails and skin condition. It can prevent degeneration of bones, joints and cartilage to support maintenance of normal join functions.


Evening Primrose Oil


Evening primrose oil is one of the richest sources of GLA, crucial for maintaining a joint’s cell structure and function. The oil could also be used to treat problems with inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

Beneficial effects have been well scientifically proven for use on skin allergies, eczema and reduce PMS (Menstruation pain). Repairs skin, hair and nails condition and is able to reduce numbness, pain or lack of sensation in the feet. It also lowers the chances of breast cancer and heart disease.


Avocado Oil


Avocado contains an abundance of vitamins, minerals, particularly rich in vitamins E, A and B. Studies have shown that avocado oil can help to protect against eye problems and cardiovascular disease. It can improve blood vessel integrity, prevents cancer, controls and helps lower blood cholesterol, promotes faster healing and beautifies the skin as well as our hair.

It is very beneficial diabetic people as well as for hypoglycemics (people with low blood sugar levels), helps stabilize proper blood sugar levels. For this reason, it can be a very powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plus it can reduce asthmatic symptoms. Alleviate the condition of capillary fragility which causes spot bleeding and bruising in skin. Scientists and eye doctors concluded avocado oil aids cataracts and protect the eyes and can reduce the chance of developing stroke.




Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C and good source of calcium. They detoxify the body, purify the blood, strengthen digestion and useful in cases of poor digestion, constipation and gouts problem. It is most renowned for the life-saving properties of a versatile carotenoid called Lycopene, which gives tomatoes their vivid red colour.

Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant carotenoid that neutralizes damaging free radicals. Also well known specifically to help prevent many kinds of cancer, a significant protection from digestive tract cancers, as well as the prevention and treatments of diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, heart diseases and many others.

A bright red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes. Acts as an antioxidant in the body, protecting cells against damage from the free radicals formed when body cells burn oxygen for energy and may prevent some forms of cancer. Free radicals are thought to be responsible for damaging the body’s cells leading to diseases.

The superior nourishing and restorative power of PURTIER Placenta is further enhanced with antioxidant protection to fight free radical damage and unique anti-ageing nutrients in the mixture known to be safe and effective in humans. These 9 ingredients are remarkably revitalizing and each has its own beneficial effect, coupled with the revolutionary technology process, PURTIER can deliver results that is long lasting and visible.


Fight the signs of aging and diseases with this all-in-one solution that can give you a better health and quality of life with the breakthrough health supplement PURTIER Placenta!

Unravel the mysteries and science behind PURTIER Placenta now!

There is no compromise for a real quality product!

PURTIER with Mediacorp Artiste Chen Tian Wen.
Veteran Local Artiste, Liang Tian.

Thinking of Stem Cell Therapy?

Think beyond traditional Stem Cell Therapy and get to know more about the fourth generation PURTIER Placenta Oral Stem Cell Therapy.

PURTIER Membership

Who can benefit?

– People who are looking to be healthier and want to maintain a healthy lifestyle of preventing illnesses.
– People who are sick or tired and want to take action and gain control of their health back.