
Dreams. Hope. Strength.

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Everyone has a dream. With dream comes hope.

Everyone needs a dream. With dream there is strength.

Dreams brighten your heart like the sun. It lights up your whole world. Dreams steer you in the right direction. Fills you up with courage. To explore what lies ahead.

From the moment I was born, I’ve had a dream. My dream is to improve the lives of the people around myself and paying it forward.

I’m really glad to have had the chance to be doing it, but what tops it is to help people unlock their key to success and become a Star.

Everyone has the key within them. When we were young, there were plenty of encouragement and praises to help us overcome our obstacles. We never realized how lucky we were then.

Somewhere along the way, the praises and encouragement changed as we grew up. Everyone gradually shuts themselves out.

Give more encouragement and compliments. See one’s virtues.

It is that difficult? Everyone needs encouragement. But why do we often hesitate to shower compliments? In every person, there’s an angel and a devil. Seek out the angel, and the best qualities will surface.

There’s much truth in the saying, resources used incorrectly will become waste. Waste used correctly can become resources. If we learn to appreciate the talents of people around us, miracle can happen.

Appreciation is a powerful force and everybody has got hope. It may be the result of the simplest of words that we say, or an action, or a simple expression.

You never know what or whom you may have changed.