
Choose Your Hard

Choose. Your. Hard.

choose your hard purtier testimonials

Marriage is hard.
Divorce is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Fit is hard.
Obesity is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Becoming rich is hard.
Being broke is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Paying for wellness is hard.
Paying for illness is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Planning for future is hard.
Making no plans for future is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Working for yourself is hard.
Working for others is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Succeeding is hard.
Failing is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Life – it is never easy.
It will always be hard.
But we always have a choice.

If you want to take the first step – I am waiting for you.

Choose. Your. Hard.


Best Network Marketing Company to Join?

confused riway purtier placenta company

There’s no such thing as a ‘bad rep’, only bad company, they say. Well, there are gazillions of network marketing or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies in all parts of the world to join, especially with the help of the Internet today. Vast number of these companies consider themselves ‘supreme’, having that ‘supreme’ reward system or producing that ‘supreme’ products in the universe.

If you are an amateur and being exposed to the network marketing opportunity prematurely, you will be baffled with plenty of choices if you begin to explore around various companies. It will further aggravate if you log onto the Internet and seek to hunt for the finest company to join.

With the overwhelming amount of information nowadays, you have no idea which information to depend on. It will be tougher if you unaware of what is your comparison standard. This eventually will cause fair amount of unnecessary strain when things do not turn out as you intended…

Some of the common challenges in the network marketing circle are:

  1. You spotted a great product and opportunity, but having a tough time to get the business started.
  2. You attempted to introduce your business or product to your family and friends, but experience great difficulties to get an audience who are willing to hear out.
  3. You have worked on more than one network marketing business, and none seem to succeed as you originally dreamt about.
  4. You have a nice group of team members, but pretty much all of them are consumers only. Apparently, you are the only one running the business.

The purpose of my blog is to share with you some of my mistakes when I first began my journey so you can make it to the top much quicklier and maximize your opportunity today!

Busy times, shall continue next week!


Fake Purtier Placenta

fake purtier placenta riway

It seems to me that the Internet is filled idiots, haters, fakes and misinformation. Such is exactly why snake oil would sell years ago along with all other false advertising.

I have somebody who told me, “Gary, what’s the cheapest price you can sell me Purtier? The others are offering this and that price.. your website is great, can you help me please…”

Let me clarify this for the last freaking time, the ownership of fake or unofficial Purtier websites like & do not belong to me, period. Please go ahead and buy their products if you trust its authenticity and credibility of them, I look forward to hearing from you soon (got good lobang, why not?!).

As a global distributor and leader of Riway International group, I’m clear about doing the Right things and doing the things Right in order to succeed in this industry long term.

I’m so sorry, the Internet is full of danger in today’s world but I choose to see the positive side of it nonetheless. You can actually get incredible information and useful resources in a few seconds. Resources that can educate, entertain and expand your horizons.

Be careful, be healthy and be safe.


Dreams. Hope. Strength.

hope riway purtier gary ng

Everyone has a dream. With dream comes hope.

Everyone needs a dream. With dream there is strength.

Dreams brighten your heart like the sun. It lights up your whole world. Dreams steer you in the right direction. Fills you up with courage. To explore what lies ahead.

From the moment I was born, I’ve had a dream. My dream is to improve the lives of the people around myself and paying it forward.

I’m really glad to have had the chance to be doing it, but what tops it is to help people unlock their key to success and become a Star.

Everyone has the key within them. When we were young, there were plenty of encouragement and praises to help us overcome our obstacles. We never realized how lucky we were then.

Somewhere along the way, the praises and encouragement changed as we grew up. Everyone gradually shuts themselves out.

Give more encouragement and compliments. See one’s virtues.

It is that difficult? Everyone needs encouragement. But why do we often hesitate to shower compliments? In every person, there’s an angel and a devil. Seek out the angel, and the best qualities will surface.

There’s much truth in the saying, resources used incorrectly will become waste. Waste used correctly can become resources. If we learn to appreciate the talents of people around us, miracle can happen.

Appreciation is a powerful force and everybody has got hope. It may be the result of the simplest of words that we say, or an action, or a simple expression.

You never know what or whom you may have changed.



Self Reflection

Self Reflection

It is the process of making oneself accountable, learning more, and understanding one’s strengths, weaknesses, likes and interests.

gary ng self reflection riway

After much procrastination, have decided to write my thoughts, feelings and reflections on my personal page so when I don’t wake up the next day.. you guys can still look back at some of my entries.

Points to know for myself and tips for you; reflections/questions:

  • What did you learn today?
  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • What do you want to fix?
  • How are you feeling?

jaylene hong gary ng riway purtier

I’ve been fortunate to encounter many situations people of my age usually don’t and have learnt many things the harder way.. stay positive!

1 week away from our official 3rd anniversary.

I Love You to Infinity and Beyond! @jaylenehwl and I’m thankful to have you stand by me always darling.

& To many more years to come.

>>> We don’t learn from experiences, we learn from reflecting on the experience. I hope I can enjoy this bittersweet journey, I’m not feeling tired just yet~


PURTIER Placenta Websites

PURTIER Placenta Websites

After returning to the scene since taking a break from my business, I come to realize that I have been heavily linked to several websites and platforms on the internet with regards to the sale of Purtier Placenta and Riway products which such action is clearly inappropriate.

riway gary ng purtier

Some distributors also called me over the past weeks to share with me about the situation. With today’s technology, just a few clicks and all is done. I have been fully committing my time on building my business offline and assisting my team with Zoom meetings etc.

This feeling is kind of both bizarre and disturbing. I swear my name is so well-known that web developers are using my details to promote Purtier Placenta to some extent that my Facebook even got reported and deactivated. My name was also registered on other unofficial Purtier websites completely irrelevant to me and I can’t be bothered to name them all but here are a few examples:

In fact, my wife, Jaylene Hong, also got featured on forums with lots of our personal information revealed. If you guys have something against me, please call me and we can discuss about your problem.

I shall do what I can control and ignore these negative issues for now. Let’s go for Goal instead. Preparing for the last burst this Q4 2020. Chiong ah. 如果你正在看的话哥哥没空陪你玩。祝你好运!


Is Forex Trading legit in Singapore?

Is Forex Trading legit in Singapore?

A commonly known fact is that a remarkable amount of forex traders fail. A well-known figure in the Forex world is that 90% of Forex retail traders fail and many lost more than simply money. Some publications quote failure rates as high as 95%. Irrespective of the true number, having interacted with thousands of traders over the years, I can tell you that those figures aren’t very far.


The reason many forex traders do not succeed is that they are undercapitalized in relation to the size of the trades they make. It is either greed or the prospect of controlling tremendous amounts of money with only a small amount of capital that coerces forex traders to take on such vast and fragile financial risk.

While foreign exchange (Forex) investing is a legitimate endeavor and not a scam, plenty of scams have been associated with trading forex. If you have 2700 USD/S$3688 and are looking for an active investment that is 100% safe health business which is predictable and has potential to grow 2-3 times yearly, would that interest you?

Check out our international group today from Asia to Europe. Hear from you soon, till next time.


How to be Successful in Network Marketing

How to be Successful in Network Marketing

frazer brookes network marketing singapore

Came across this instagram post from the famous social media network marketing ninja – Frazer Brookes which I think it might be useful for you guys if you have been trying and struggling with your home based business or network marketing opportunity. I shall share it here so as to remind myself while I pursue my dreams in this journey  Here it goes:

I get asked a lot these days “Frazer, how can I be successful in Network Marketing?”🎉
It’s easy for me to give the answer of what I would tell people to do, but instead I think back to the beginning of my journey✅
I was told to be coachable, committed and consistent⭐️
Funny thing the following happened:
– after one year my financial situation changed
– after two years I became way more confident
– after three years I started to speak on stage regularly
– after five years I became an “expert”
– after seven years I was getting paid to speak on stage internationally – after eight years I wrote a best selling book
– after ten years I shared the virtual stage with Tony Robbins⭐️
A lot can change in a short space of time if you follow these principles🏆
The question is, will you😎
#networkmarketing #networkmarketingsuccess #networkmarketingtips #networkmarketingtraining #theninjanetworker

You can follow him on IG in this link here, we all need some kind of motivation from time to time… so help yourself with all the resources available on the internet today.


My Facebook account just got COVID-19

Today marks the brand new beginning for my (infected) Facebook account which was over 10 years old. As I created a whole new account and went through some contacts, I felt that I haven’t been in touch with so many of my old friends since my business and career with Riway International.

I hope to catch up with some real friends soon.. at least 10 guys for this year once this CCB – Covid-19 Circuit Breaker comes to an end. #SGunited let’s make it happen!

gary ng kim kia facebook riway
Click to find me on FB

Grateful to have some really good friends who still commented shit and laughed with me 😉

gary ng riway facebook

This has got to be the longest time since I last shaved! I do look like a real catfish now… err…


What if you could star in your own Netflix series?

Hey there! It’s me Gary again.

Rather than watching Netflix at home during this circuit breaker period,

Why not create your own (risk-free) business and become a profitable business owner?

netflix hustle mode riway gary ng

During this period of time, many people are switching from traditional retail business to online and social media methods more often than ever.

And if you have watched Netflix before, you’ll know there are hundreds of quality and inspiring movies and shows that are inspiring new generation of entrepreneurs and some risk takers to try working from home with the Internet!

So… I came up with a platform for people who wants to startup their own business and expanding global with just your smartphone!

Email me for a Zoom session to learn our 3 WHYS formula!

Here’s what I’ll be sharing in Zoom:

1. How You Can Use Little or No Money To Launch A Successful 7 Figure Global Business!

2. How To Transit from your Full Time Job into owning Your Own Business yet earning a stable, high and long term stream of income.

3. How To Use Online and Offline methods To Build Your Own Branding Even Though You Have Few Network!

I have so much more to share during this upcoming period and this is probably the best time to learn how you can profit from creating your own risk free business!

Hope to see you on Zoom soon!

Gary Ng

P.S.: please be a responsible human being during this CB period and just stay home and stay safe.. but not forgetting to stay on the track towards SUCCESS! 😉