
Something Good must be Happening

Just passed my birthday this March, turned 33 now. I have made plenty of mistakes these years, so many mistakes.. but some GOOD things are happening to me these days ever since I got rid of those negative thoughts of recounting my bad bad mistakes.

They always say, where you are at right now could be somebody else’s dream. I learn to appreciate that saying and see things more “open” as Chinese always say.. you are born into this world ‘naked’ and when you leave someday, so will you be. Especially Money!

purtier placenta 2022 promotion price

I have been receiving some enquiries about the work I do and products I distribute or sell lately through another review page talking about PURTIER Placenta (stem cell therapy?) and practices of its distributors.

It’s a health product, it is wonderful but erm.. quite expensive?

Honestly, after distributing these products for almost 10 years now, I felt some people are lucky and made it in this business while most struggled. Maybe it’s simply that statistic is true? Or people are generally negative, lazy and full of excuses?

I’m not a saint and sometimes I do fall in between the positives and negatives. Do I truly enjoy what I do? Yes. Can I make everybody who trust me successful? Not really..

The best thing I can do right now is providing the best value for their money with the product and give them my time if they do hope for a Big change in their lives. I hope 2022 can create new habits and directions for me to help the people around me until then.. ciao!