
The Best View Comes After The Hardest Climb

The Best View Comes After The Hardest Climb

Well, what a year it has been! From a global pandemic to worldwide elections, from remote work to online conferences, from trade wars to movement controls, describing 2020 in a word or two is nearly impossible.

2021 gary ng riway

Indeed, the year will surely go down in history as the turning points of every country and every person in the world. All of us who braved and survived the year will definitely be loaded with sentiments and memories etched in our minds forever. With its conclusion, a new future awaits ahead of all of us, and of course, RIWAY International is no exception.

In the beginning, it is unimaginable for the company to be strong enough to brave such a worldwide disease outbreak, adjusting its battle plans and getting itself ready to operate in the “new normal”.

Merely a year ago, it would be unthinkable for us to shift our events online; and merely a year ago, it would be unbelievable that our international travel would be totally cut off. However, what’s most incredible is that RIWAY still stands firm and is ready to step into its 13th year as 2020 wraps up.

For more than a decade, RIWAY has expanded from its base in Singapore, pushing the company to new height by exploring new markets, organizing phenomenal events one after another and helping more to achieve their aspired careers, health and life goals.

As we conquer new apex and break new records, we are very certain that this is not the best we can do, or rather, there isn’t a word called ‘best’ in our dictionary; the right word should be ‘better’. With such fiery spirit, only the sky is our limit.