
Time to WAKE UP from my Break

Finally! I decided to write and blog down my journey again. I want to apologize to my loved ones, for disappointing them and not living up to my fullest potential, especially the past 2 years.

Until today, I had been regretting for a lot of wrong decisions I made in the past, my habits, the lack of discipline, direction and complacency and almost hit with depression and experiencing anxiety every other night.. I hate this feeling!

I cannot thank the people who have helped me enough the past year, my business partner Jayden Ng and mentor David Yeo.

The mistakes I made were silly. Making wrong business decisions, losing money on investments and forex trading I barely got much knowledge or idea what was I doing at the point and accumulated losses amount to S$300,000.. including gambling on sports, lottery etc.

It’s certainly a self-sabotage and I do hope to get lucky someday to win it all back with hardwork and doing things with value instead… nonetheless, there were so MANY important lessons I learnt through this tough and loss process, financially, mentally and physically.

  1. Sleep Early and on time. Preferably by 11pm. (get at least 7 hours quality sleep per day, rest and recharge.)
  2. Wake up on time, wash up, change and start the day with a right meal.
  3. Follow a daily schedule especially if you lack discipline
  4. Know your finances, list down your income, fixed and variable expenses, insurance, bills, education etc.
  5. Appreciate what you have, practise gratitude daily.

At the end of the day, yes, money is just a number (or a tool) and it doesn’t buy you happiness but it is still very important because it can buy you more time and options in life.

Speaking about money… I missed a rich business partner of mine from the Philippines very much, his passing at the age of 50 taught me not to focus on simply losses, move on with money, work hard and enjoy life.

Learn to earn money the right way and stay away from getting rich quick ways, gambling or taking shortcuts. Exercise 3 times a week, eat healthy and on time, rest well and grind.

I’m gonna be positive because each day is a new day and to strive to become a better man, father, husband, son, bro and friend.

I have been thinking of starting a YouTube channel or TikTok account to share about my thoughts or probably become a philosopher to relate with people who walked my path and avoiding these mistakes. Send me an email or comment if you think I should!