
Know Your Worth

Know Your Worth

build self worth

Knowing your worth is an internal measure of how you value yourself. It is very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else because if you don’t know your worth, you are in a very precarious position.

Because how you measure your worth affects the life you live.

Sometimes, it is better to be alone than being with someone who makes you feel like shit whether in an organization, a community or a relationship.

If you’re struggling to believe in your own worthiness, I strongly suggest that you embark on your own journey towards doing so. That journey just might change your life too.

Otherwise, what’s the point?


Why Network Marketing is the Business in 2021

Why Network Marketing is the Business in 2021

gary ng wylla singapore

Network marketing could be the only way possible way to make your 2021 the best year of your life. Why? Because I have actually witnessed many who made quite a lot of money in 2020 despite the Coronavirus situation.

I want to tell you how they did it, because it may benefit someone who’s seeking for a real chance. I’m very sure that almost everyone has that one friend who joined networking marketing, hyped about it, flashing those cars and money and went MISSING.

Here’s the thing, not every network marketing company can bring you ‘there’ and bring success to you. Now, I want to reveal to you an even better way of becoming successful through network marketing platform.

The funny thing is that it’s much simpler because anyone can do it without any strong connections or network. We simply make use of a channel called Riway Team 37, where the organization helps you to sell, present, pack, ship and store the products.

Best of all, because Team 37 already have hundreds of customers and partners around the globe, there’s no need to do any fancy introduction or ‘fake it till you make it’ to create trust with your people. We just leverage on the existing growth of Team 37 in Riway.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. ‘It’s easier said than done’, and that’s true. Starting your own business is never easy, anyone who tells you otherwise is probably lying to you. But, making extra income and achieving success with Team 37 can be simple only if you have the right method and most importantly, method that’s proven to work.

I hope to invite you to a free online web masterclass where I’ll be showing and guiding you on how you can get started with Team 37 with our unique STARS method.

This method is what I’m still using to this day that has helped me to achieve over $5 million in revenue last year, yes, 2020. Most importantly, it has allowed me to stop trading my time for money. And today, I can spend quality time with my family and being there for my 4 children every single day as they grow up.

gary ng singapore riway family

The STARS method has not only worked for me, but it has helped many other people from all walks of life to achieve their dream lifestyle. So, if you wish to learn how to begin a networking business using the STARS framework, connect with me today.

If you’re still wondering if this is the right time to start a network marketing business because of what is happening globally, I can tell you that because of that, our company is growing faster than ever, with more and more business owners seeing success.

But, I must warn you, it does take some time to properly learn the application and if you delay any longer, this greatest opportunity in our lifetime will eventually be gone.

So, if you don’t want to miss out, come to my Free online sharing session, last but not least, Happy Chinese New Year! May you be happy and prosperous! See you soon.


Going the Minimalist Way in 2021

Going the Minimalist Way in 2021

gary ng yishun home

What is minimalism? Minimalism is intentionally living with only the things that we certainly need. It’s having and being surrounded by lesser material items, so we can do more with our time and life.

I guess you could say I was living the Singaporean dream. But then, some events that happened in my life in year 2020 have forced me to look around and start to question what had become my life’s focus.

I realized that I was so focused on so-called success, achievement and especially on the accumulation of (unnecessary) stuff. I might be living the Singaporean dream but it wasn’t my dream.

It took getting everything I thought I wanted to realize that maybe everything I ever wanted wasn’t actually what I wanted at all.

Marketers today are really impressive in their ability to manipulate our mind, in their ability to create a need or a perceived need out of something that was a ‘want’.

We also live in the most advertised-to culture in the history of the world. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent telling us we need this and that and it has an effect. And the end goal is always the same. To get us to buy more stuff we don’t necessarily need.

Some advertisements constantly make us subconsciously feel like we are inadequate like if we don’t own this product. This bombardment of messages that we are not enough.

So think about what that does to people, just every day, over and over, getting messages imply ‘you are not enough’. Your hair, your clothes, your skin and your body is not enough. So then we want to go be enough.

And because we’ve lost these other ways of being enough, ways like having a community, having a purpose, having an identity besides the brand on us. Because we’ve lost those, we misplace our desire for belonging and satisfaction by buying more stuff.

Everybody’s selling something but that doesn’t mean that selling is always bad. It’s okay. We still need to buy that groceries, that food and all, right? But it’s not always compatible with what it is we truly need from most sellers on the market.

So this year, I’m going to experience new freedom with the pursuit of minimalism. Will update on my next post what are some easy ways to becoming a minimalist. Ciao!


The Best View Comes After The Hardest Climb

The Best View Comes After The Hardest Climb

Well, what a year it has been! From a global pandemic to worldwide elections, from remote work to online conferences, from trade wars to movement controls, describing 2020 in a word or two is nearly impossible.

2021 gary ng riway

Indeed, the year will surely go down in history as the turning points of every country and every person in the world. All of us who braved and survived the year will definitely be loaded with sentiments and memories etched in our minds forever. With its conclusion, a new future awaits ahead of all of us, and of course, RIWAY International is no exception.

In the beginning, it is unimaginable for the company to be strong enough to brave such a worldwide disease outbreak, adjusting its battle plans and getting itself ready to operate in the “new normal”.

Merely a year ago, it would be unthinkable for us to shift our events online; and merely a year ago, it would be unbelievable that our international travel would be totally cut off. However, what’s most incredible is that RIWAY still stands firm and is ready to step into its 13th year as 2020 wraps up.

For more than a decade, RIWAY has expanded from its base in Singapore, pushing the company to new height by exploring new markets, organizing phenomenal events one after another and helping more to achieve their aspired careers, health and life goals.

As we conquer new apex and break new records, we are very certain that this is not the best we can do, or rather, there isn’t a word called ‘best’ in our dictionary; the right word should be ‘better’. With such fiery spirit, only the sky is our limit.


8 Ways to Value the Journey, No Matter Where You Are in Life

8 Ways to Value the Journey, No Matter Where You Are in Life

Every phase of life has benefits. Make the most of where you are today because life is short.

gary ng jaylenehwl riway

“I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.”- John Burroughs

Today will be the last day of the year 2020. I’m glad it’s going to be over in hours because many things haven’t turned out well for me. Nonetheless, I’ve learnt so much in these 365 days and am truly grateful for my loved ones supporting me throughout.

Reflect. Reset. Restart.

We often get caught up in the little things that don’t matter and neglect paying attention to the people and things that matter the most. We basically stop enjoying the journey in life.

You can change that. The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday. It doesn’t matter how old we are, what we’ve done, or how much money we have. Our journey is a personal one-full of lessons and reasons to be happy. When we stop comparing ourselves to others and realize how full our lives are, we can appreciate our individual value.

It’s important to value the journey, wherever you are in life. Here are some ways to be satisfied-happy, even-with how things are unfolding:

  1. Show gratitude. Find something every single day that you’re thankful for. Big or small, it all matters. Tell people how much you appreciate them.
  2. Be committed. Set your goals and stick with them. They may need some adjusting along the way, but you’ll keep your focus on the prize.
  3. Cherish your friends. Be around people who love you, not your success. Nurture you relationships and be a true friend without judgment.
  4. Keep on learning. The world is changing rapidly. Whatever your interests, continue to pursue them. Or, try something new!
  5. Don’t multitask. Trying to do more than one thing at once causes burnout and keeps you from focusing on the present.
  6. Balance your life. Easier said than done, but essential. You can’t enjoy your age and stage unless you can leave work behind sometimes.
  7. Make family first. Spend time with your family and kids. Go to games and performances. Nothing says I love you more than taking the time to be involved in their lives.
  8. Take time to travel. It opens your mind, makes you more tolerant, and helps you appreciate what you have at home.

gary ng riway friend

Every phase of life has benefits. You can always become richer but today is the youngest you’ll ever be again. So, take the most of where you are today and enjoy the journey because life is really short.

Post inspired by Rhett Power


How I Learn to Think like a Millionaire

think like a millionaire purtier placenta testimonials

One thing that I worked on which was vitally important for my growth is Mindset.

I had to learn to think like a millionaire before I could become one, I had to learn to think like an entrepreneur instead of thinking like an employee.

I had to stop blaming other people for my problems and start taking responsibility for my life. I was a professional blamer up until this point. I walked away from blame and I took responsibility not for what happened to me but for how I responded to what happened to me because life’s going to happen to all of us.

If it’s always somebody else it has to change in order for me to be happy and successful then I am probably never going to be happy and successful because the world isn’t going to change to whatever I want things to be.

I decided I was going to set up my life so I would be happy or successful with or without someone else or something else changing. That’s when my life began to change. It’s a mindset thing.

I had to learn to stop being so impatient with my expectations because the biggest challenge in network marketing is the expectation gap. I’m expecting things to be easy but they are hard. I’m expecting a lot of different things.

Then, I learnt to trade expectation for appreciation, and just be grateful for the opportunity that I was presented with. Learning how to be grateful instead of resentful and learning how to understand the laws of entrepreneurship.

The laws of entrepreneurship is this; you’re going to be underpaid for a significant period of time and then you’re going to be fairly paid for a short period of time and then you’re going to be overpaid for a very long period of time.

You have to be willing to trade the underpaid for the overpaid and most people are not. Their mindset can’t handle that. That’s why most people quit after a few months because they cannot handle it.

There’s a side of foundation you build and the other side where the skyscraper is. But if you’re not seeing the skyscraper while you’re building the foundation, you’re not supposed to.

So let’s begin by thinking differently, develop skills and get rid of the limiting beliefs in the mind.


Choose Your Hard

Choose. Your. Hard.

choose your hard purtier testimonials

Marriage is hard.
Divorce is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Fit is hard.
Obesity is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Becoming rich is hard.
Being broke is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Paying for wellness is hard.
Paying for illness is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Planning for future is hard.
Making no plans for future is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Working for yourself is hard.
Working for others is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Succeeding is hard.
Failing is hard.
Choose. Your. Hard.

Life – it is never easy.
It will always be hard.
But we always have a choice.

If you want to take the first step – I am waiting for you.

Choose. Your. Hard.


Best Network Marketing Company to Join?

confused riway purtier placenta company

There’s no such thing as a ‘bad rep’, only bad company, they say. Well, there are gazillions of network marketing or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies in all parts of the world to join, especially with the help of the Internet today. Vast number of these companies consider themselves ‘supreme’, having that ‘supreme’ reward system or producing that ‘supreme’ products in the universe.

If you are an amateur and being exposed to the network marketing opportunity prematurely, you will be baffled with plenty of choices if you begin to explore around various companies. It will further aggravate if you log onto the Internet and seek to hunt for the finest company to join.

With the overwhelming amount of information nowadays, you have no idea which information to depend on. It will be tougher if you unaware of what is your comparison standard. This eventually will cause fair amount of unnecessary strain when things do not turn out as you intended…

Some of the common challenges in the network marketing circle are:

  1. You spotted a great product and opportunity, but having a tough time to get the business started.
  2. You attempted to introduce your business or product to your family and friends, but experience great difficulties to get an audience who are willing to hear out.
  3. You have worked on more than one network marketing business, and none seem to succeed as you originally dreamt about.
  4. You have a nice group of team members, but pretty much all of them are consumers only. Apparently, you are the only one running the business.

The purpose of my blog is to share with you some of my mistakes when I first began my journey so you can make it to the top much quicklier and maximize your opportunity today!

Busy times, shall continue next week!


Fake Purtier Placenta

fake purtier placenta riway

It seems to me that the Internet is filled idiots, haters, fakes and misinformation. Such is exactly why snake oil would sell years ago along with all other false advertising.

I have somebody who told me, “Gary, what’s the cheapest price you can sell me Purtier? The others are offering this and that price.. your website is great, can you help me please…”

Let me clarify this for the last freaking time, the ownership of fake or unofficial Purtier websites like & do not belong to me, period. Please go ahead and buy their products if you trust its authenticity and credibility of them, I look forward to hearing from you soon (got good lobang, why not?!).

As a global distributor and leader of Riway International group, I’m clear about doing the Right things and doing the things Right in order to succeed in this industry long term.

I’m so sorry, the Internet is full of danger in today’s world but I choose to see the positive side of it nonetheless. You can actually get incredible information and useful resources in a few seconds. Resources that can educate, entertain and expand your horizons.

Be careful, be healthy and be safe.


Dreams. Hope. Strength.

hope riway purtier gary ng

Everyone has a dream. With dream comes hope.

Everyone needs a dream. With dream there is strength.

Dreams brighten your heart like the sun. It lights up your whole world. Dreams steer you in the right direction. Fills you up with courage. To explore what lies ahead.

From the moment I was born, I’ve had a dream. My dream is to improve the lives of the people around myself and paying it forward.

I’m really glad to have had the chance to be doing it, but what tops it is to help people unlock their key to success and become a Star.

Everyone has the key within them. When we were young, there were plenty of encouragement and praises to help us overcome our obstacles. We never realized how lucky we were then.

Somewhere along the way, the praises and encouragement changed as we grew up. Everyone gradually shuts themselves out.

Give more encouragement and compliments. See one’s virtues.

It is that difficult? Everyone needs encouragement. But why do we often hesitate to shower compliments? In every person, there’s an angel and a devil. Seek out the angel, and the best qualities will surface.

There’s much truth in the saying, resources used incorrectly will become waste. Waste used correctly can become resources. If we learn to appreciate the talents of people around us, miracle can happen.

Appreciation is a powerful force and everybody has got hope. It may be the result of the simplest of words that we say, or an action, or a simple expression.

You never know what or whom you may have changed.