PURTIER Placenta Price
How much is PURTIER Placenta now? 6th Edition. 7th Edition.
The price of Purtier Placenta can vary depending on the region, distributor and package size. On average, a one-month supply of Purtier Placenta capsules may range from $150 to $450 USD. However, special promotions or discounts can sometimes lower the price, while buying in bulk may offer some cost savings.
Well, the retail price of PURTIER Placenta set by its original distribution company Riway International is at 3988 Singapore dollars which is around 3000 USD as of this moment.
Distributors who join Riway International are required to sell this deer placenta health supplement at the retail selling price (RSP).
However, many distributors have gone rogue in recent years and prices are slashed to lower profits and leaders can pursue their desired ranks and positions in the company within the shortest possible time. As a result, it formed a vicious cycle for genuine people who hope to switch career to give network marketing a shot.
Afterall, Purtier is a premium health supplement known for its potential anti-aging and rejuvenating benefits. The product is derived from deer placenta, which is rich in nutrients, proteins, growth factors that are believed to support cellular repair, boost energy, improve skin health, and promote overall vitality. As a result, this placenta has gained popularity among individuals seeking natural alternatives to improve wellness.
Honestly, I am shocked as a distributor of 10 years with Riway trying to do my best and beating my competitors. I woke up one day and decided to give up in this career, business or opportunity.. whatever you wish to call it. Truth is that, you can never win on price, especially most people love Purtier product as a nutritional supplement but the MLM grind is impossible, not making excuses.
Imagine the original price of 1 bottle of Purtier is $615 and the online market is blatantly selling at $145. That’s a whooping $470 or 77% discount off its regular price. If you were to contribute tax of 20%, what do distributors earn then?
No one ordinary distributor will ever make a 6 figure income in Riway in this age, not in Singapore, unless you are able to find overseas customers and distributors.
Distributors have been quitting Riway in recent years and some distributors offered me $130 per bottle and begging me to buy it from them as the promise they were told never came true.
It’s important to note that the premium price is often attributed to the high-quality sourcing and manufacturing processes, as well as the advanced technology used in extracting the active components from the placenta.
While some users report noticeable improvements in their health and appearance, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially for those with underlying health conditions or concerns.
Their loss, your gain. Purtier placenta consumers win in the end. Try it yourself.